A Bit Advanced Music

A Bit Advanced Music A collective from the capital of the Black Earth region, Voronezh. The guys experiment with trip-hop and art-pop sound, perform songs in English and Russian. Thin, warm, almost watercolour soundscape, synthetic basses, atonal transitions, noise of waves, and in some places dance rhythms surprisingly add up to a fresh, but at the same time chamber sound. The music plunges into kind and pleasant nostalgic feelings with noir atmospheres, unhurried melody development and synthesiser pads, as well as sensual vocals and slow drums. "The last few years we've had a pretty loose format of working on releases. People have come and gone: vocalists, musicians, beatmakers. Everyone's stretched out in different cities. But on the other hand, it's also interesting, more contacts and collaborations, more different visions, and something new is born out of that," Pavel Karmazin, leader of A Bit Advanced Music.