Vladimir Muranov
Many people know Vladimir Muranov from many TV projects, as the author of books on self-development, harmony, path and human health. But Vladimir's personality is much wider, he is a musician, vocalist, composer, performer of music in the style of Mantra, Relax Music, New Age. Since 2011, Vladimir has recorded 10 music albums, the latest of which is the album "Music of the Heart" in 2020. Vladimir creates concert programmes together with popular Indian performer Bittu Mallik in Russia and India, holds concerts with pop artists Irina Nelson (Reflex) and Ilya Efimov (Lesopoval), which shows the attraction of musicians of different directions to Relax music. In 2017 the album "Sarvesham" was created together with composer Olga Kenjaeva, who works mainly with pop singers. In 2021 several singles were released - "Gate Gate", "Forgive", "Sarvesham", "Sarvesham". , "Sorry", "Sarvesham Mantra" and "Jay Radha Madhava" together with Irina Muromtseva. Now Vladimir Muranov conducts concerts all over Russia, as well as retreats and training seminars and meetings.