Rinat Khismatullin

Khismatullin Rinat Gabdulkhakovich, Born on 22 October 1949 in Perm. In 1965 graduated from the 8th grade of secondary school No. 47 In 1969 graduated from Perm Mechanical College. "Apparatostroenie prov. Communications". From 1969 to 1971 he served in the Soviet Army. From 1971 worked in various managerial positions at the Lenin Plant, then at the Lenin Plant. Lenin Plant, then at the Dzerzhinsky Plant. F.E. Dzerzhinsky Plant. Since 1996 Director of CJSC Impulse-M in the Motovilikhinskiye Zavody holding. Since 1999 Vice-President of the company "Tentorium", Perm. Since 2000 Deputy General Director of "Svyazist and Company" LLC, Moscow. Retired in 2009 Since 1999 he has been engaged in parallel creative activity: 1) Author albums of songs: "Veterok Stamboli", "Perm period". 2) Scriptwriter and director of documentary short films: "Australia" "Bratishka" "The Best Mum in the World". 3) Author and performer of video clips: "Kama Sutra, Kama in the Morning", "Australia", "Kangaroo", "Sydney" 4) Executive Producer and Scriptwriter of the animated series "BeeLografia"