Alex Melodic

Alex Melodic is a media composer and arranger. 1998 musical accompaniment of a retrospective screening dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the Lenfilm Film Studio as part of the International Film Festival of Festivals. 2000 – 2011 Author's music and arrangement for performances of St. Petersburg drama theaters Theater On Liteyny, TYUZ named after Bryantseva, the Potudan Theater, The Comedian's Shelter, the Baltic House, etc. Arrangements for the musical design of the solemn ceremonies of awarding the theater awards "Golden Mask" (2003) and "Golden Spotlight" (2008), for television projects on the channels Culture, 100 TV. 2011 to the present Composing music and developing music content for production libraries, advertising agencies, video studios and music companies in different countries. The main stylistic directions are children's music, smooth jazz, ethnic music, music, music for production and background music of various genres. The author's works are used in business facilities, video blogs and advertising, as well as presented on streaming services