Nikolay Sryvkov

Nikolay Sryvkov (born July 29, 1990, Vladimir, Vladimir region, Russian Federation) is a Russian composer, pianist, and guitarist. In 1996-2004 he sang in the E. M. Markin Chapel. As a member of the Chapel, he participated in international festivals and competitions, and was a laureate of choral music competitions in Germany. He writes in the genres of neo-classical, modern, soundtrack, drama, cinematics, action, melodramatic, Epic, trailer music, pop, rap, dance, pop, rock music. He is the author of more than 150 classical musical compositions and more than 100 commercial projects. He is the author of many popular pop - rap songs. It has a wide range of musical expression and a beautiful melody. -Diploma winner of the VGIK Film Festival (2016) - Participant of the International competition "New Classics" of the Moscow Conservatory. -The author of the musical accompaniment for the series of videos "Ecology is everyone's business" from Rosprirodnadzor and short films for advertising agencies in the top 10 throughout Russia. Nikolai's compositions can be heard in such films as: "Prostopes" (2018) Director: Rumak Konstantin "Taiga" (2017) Director: Mark Raphael "267 victories" (2024) Director: Vitaly Borodai And also in the films of Ararat Keshchyan, Artur Khodyrev, Edward Kazaryan, Andrey Kanievchenko. Nikolai is the author of more than 150 classical musical compositions and 100 commercial projects. It has a wide range of musical expressiveness and excellent melodism. Neo-classics is the main direction for Nikolai, he writes music for performers of different genres, such as neo-classical, modern, soundtrack, pop, rap, dance, pop and rock music. Nikolai also participates in the creation of musical arrangements for films and social videos.