LEARA is Elena Akhmedyanova, singer and teacher, author of her course on voice practices. Elena has extensive experience as a studio vocalist and working in musicals. This album is her debut author's work. Vladimir Kachanovsky is an arranger and sound producer with 25 years of experience, among thematically similar and bright works - Goatika Creative Lab continuing the work of Shpongle and White Goddess, combining crystal singing bowls and electronics. “This work is about the beauty of the female voice, about the spaces that this voice creates, about the beauty of the creative flow into which we immersed ourselves without any plan or intention, just experimenting, about the beauty of technology that gives us the opportunity to bring our spontaneous experiences to a common denominator. The peculiarity of this album is the conscious refusal of any recording planning, minimal preparation and complete improvisation in the process. The final sound is the result of overlaying voices on each other, also improvisation, but in the studio”.